A chave simples para o que é flexbox Unveiled

If there are any flex items not laid out by the previous step, rerun the flex layout algorithm from Line Sizing Determination through Cross Sizing Determination with the next page’s size and only the items not already laid out, and return to the previous step, but starting from the first item not already laid out. For each fragment of the flex container, continue the flex layout algorithm from Main-Axis Alignment to its finish. If a flex item does not entirely fit on a single page, it will not

container, it is simply the largest min-content contribution of all the flex items in the flex container.

The max-content main size of a flex container is the smallest size the flex container can take while maintaining the max-content contributions of its flex items, insofar as allowed by the items’ own flexibility:

For example, a percentage-height block whose flex item parent has height: 120em; min-height: auto will size itself against height: 120em regardless of the impact that min-height might have on the used size of the flex item.

Determine the hypothetical cross size of each item by performing layout with the used main size and the available space, treating Automóvel as fit-content. Calculate the cross size of each flex line. If the flex container is single-line and has a definite cross size, the cross size of the flex line is the flex container’s inner cross size. Otherwise, for each flex line: Collect all the flex items whose inline-axis is parallel to the main-axis, whose align-self is baseline, and whose cross-axis margins are both non-auto. Find the largest of the distances between each item’s baseline and its hypothetical outer cross-start edge, and the largest of the distances between each item’s baseline and its hypothetical outer cross-end edge, and sum these two values.

Many web pages have a similar shape in the markup, with a header on top, a footer on bottom, and then a content area and one or two additional columns in the middle. Generally, it’s desirable that the content come first in the page’s source code, before the additional columns. However, this makes many common designs, such as simply having the additional columns on the left and the content area on the right, difficult to achieve.

the sole line automatically stretches to fill the space. If the flex container has only one flex line (even if it’s a multi-line flex container)

In general, the automatic minimum size … defined below: Slightly reworded the section on determining the static position of absolutely-positioned children to be clearer.

In order to preserve the author’s intended ordering in all presentation modes, authoring tools—including WYSIWYG editors as well as Web-based authoring aids—must reorder the underlying document source and not use order to perform reordering unless the author has explicitly indicated that the underlying document order (which determines speech and navigation order) should be out-of-sync

Its static position is calculated by first doing full flex layout without the absolutely-positioned children, then positioning each absolutely-positioned child as if it were the sole flex item in the flex container, assuming both the child and the flex container were fixed size boxes of their used size. For example, by default, the static position of an absolutely positioned child aligns it to the main-start/cross-start corner, corresponding to the default values of justify-content and align-content on the flex container.

The items in the figure on the left are centered with margins, while those in the figure on the right are centered with align-self. If this column flex container was placed against the left edge of the page, the margin behavior would be more desirable, as the long item would be fully readable.

But order is not the only (or even the primary) CSS property that would need to be considered for such a spatial navigation feature. A well-implemented spatial navigation feature would need to consider all the layout features of CSS that modify spatial relationships.

Add explicit conformance criteria on authoring tools to keep presentation and DOM order in sync unless author explicitly indicates a desire to make them out-of-sync. (Issue oito) In order to preserve the author’s intended ordering in all presentation modes, authoring tools—including WYSIWYG editors as well as Web-based authoring aids—must reorder the underlying document source and not use order to perform reordering unless the author has explicitly indicated that the underlying clique document order (which determines speech and navigation order) should be out-of-sync

In some cases, however, the author may want different visual orderings per screen size. The tool could offer this functionality by using order together with media queries, but also tie the smallest screen size’s ordering to the underlying DOM order (since this is most likely to be a logical linear presentation order) while using order to determine the visual presentation order in other size ranges.

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